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Stakeholders sharing expertise and ideas together on improving public health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region.
NOUVELLE version du Programme d'apprentissage en ligne des Equipes Nationales d'Intervention Rapide sur la COVID-19 disponible !
Les objectifs de ce programme d'auto-apprentissage s... moreNOUVELLE version du Programme d'apprentissage en ligne des Equipes Nationales d'Intervention Rapide sur la COVID-19 disponible !
Les objectifs de ce programme d'auto-apprentissage sont de fournir aux membres des équipes nationales d'intervention rapide les connaissances et les outils clés nécessaires pour détecter rapidement et répondre efficacement à une épidémie de COVID-19.
Comprend :
· Contenu mis à jour reflétant les dernières recommandations et directives de l'OMS en mai 2021
· Un certificat pour chaque module complété
Connectez-vous maintenant pour en savoir plus ! Et n'hésitez pas à partager l'information avec vos réseaux. less
Health Security Learning Platform: All courses
NEW version of the COVID-19 National Rapid Response Teams Online Learning Programme available!
The objectives of this self-learning programme is to provide National Rapid Response Te... moreNEW version of the COVID-19 National Rapid Response Teams Online Learning Programme available!
The objectives of this self-learning programme is to provide National Rapid Response Teams members with the key knowledge and tools needed to early detect and effectively respond to a COVID-19 outbreak.
· Updated content reflecting latest WHO recommendations and guidelines as of May 2021
· A certificate for each module completed
Connect and learn more now! And feel free to share the information with your networks. less
Health Security Learning Platform: All courses
Hello every one.. there is a call for papers for a special issue of the Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal under the theme: Promoting the health of migrants and displaced populations in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, under the following link: http://... moreHello every one.. there is a call for papers for a special issue of the Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal under the theme: Promoting the health of migrants and displaced populations in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, under the following link:
Possible sub-themes include, but are not limited to:
1. Health system response and arrangements to address the health needs of migrants,
refugees and displaced populations
2. Universal Health Coverage: approaches for expanding service coverage and enhancing financial protection for migrants and displaced populations
3. Health financing arrangements to cover the health needs of migrants and displaced populations
4. Migration of health workers and its impact on sending and receiving countries
5. Impact of displacement on health services in transit and host countries
6. Women’s health, human trafficking and gender-based violence in migration and displacement
7. Use of innovation and technology to promote continuity of care
8. Health diplomacy and the interface between health, economy and political developments.
You can find more information with the link shared above. Your participation is highly valuable and feel free to share with your circles who are interested to submit their research or articles. less
WHO EMRO | Call for papers | Authors | EMHJ
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