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Dear all - GHD|EMPHNET is happy to announce its new Online Course: “Basics of Mendeley for Citation and Referencing” which has been launched on EMPHNET-LMS as of June 20, 2021, and it is now accessible free for all in the region and beyond to enroll. ... moreDear all - GHD|EMPHNET is happy to announce its new Online Course: “Basics of Mendeley for Citation and Referencing” which has been launched on EMPHNET-LMS as of June 20, 2021, and it is now accessible free for all in the region and beyond to enroll. Upon completion, participants will be able to start using the software as a research assistive tool for their academic writing needs, plus, print their certificates to add to their professional portfolios.
You can widely share the link below on your social media and other online platforms as well as with the FETPs network:
Happy citation and referencing with Mendeley!!! less
A systematic literature review conducted by the Research and Policy Team of GHD|EMPHNET was published yesterday in BMC Reproductive Health Journal. You can access the full article through the following link:
https://reproductive-health-journal.biomedcen... moreA systematic literature review conducted by the Research and Policy Team of GHD|EMPHNET was published yesterday in BMC Reproductive Health Journal. You can access the full article through the following link: less
The Syrian refugee crisis has led to massive displacement into neighboring countries including Jordan. This crisis has caused a significant strain on the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services to the host communities and Syrian refugees. The Minimu
Rawan Araj
Deadline June 21
WHO declares the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic
WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 - 11 March 2020
GHD EMPHNET uploaded a file.
A novel Coronavirus (CoV) outbreak has been detected in Wuhan City in Central China. The first suspected cases were reported on Dec 31, 2019, where pneumonia cases of unknown cause were identified by Chinese authorities. The first cases to be reported wer... moreA novel Coronavirus (CoV) outbreak has been detected in Wuhan City in Central China. The first suspected cases were reported on Dec 31, 2019, where pneumonia cases of unknown cause were identified by Chinese authorities. The first cases to be reported were a cluster of individuals primarily working as stallholders in the Huanan Seafood Market which indicates animal-to-person infection; the risk of person-to-person spread has not been eliminated since some infected individuals did not report any animal contact. You can read more in the document attached. less
GHD EMPHNET uploaded a file.
تم اكتشاف انتشار مرض جديد من نوع فيروس كورونا ف ي مدينة ووهان بوسط الصين. تم الإبلاغ عن
الحالات الاولى المشتبهه في ٣١ كانون الأول ٢٠١٩ ، وقد ت... moreتم اكتشاف انتشار مرض جديد من نوع فيروس كورونا ف ي مدينة ووهان بوسط الصين. تم الإبلاغ عن
الحالات الاولى المشتبهه في ٣١ كانون الأول ٢٠١٩ ، وقد تم تحديد حالات التهاب رئوي غير معروفة
الاسباب من قبل السلطات الصينية. وكانت الحالات الأولى التي بلغ عنها تمثل مجموعة من الاشخاص
يعملون أساسا في سوق ووهان للمأكولات البحرية وهذا يشير إلى ان انتقال العدوى كان من الحيوان
إلى الانسان؛ لم يتم استثناء خطر انتقال المرض من شخص إلى آخر حيث ان بعض الاشخاص المصابين
لم يبلغ عن اي اتصال لهم بالحيوانات. لا يوجد لقاح أو علاج محدد للعدوى لفيروس كورونا 2019
ويبقى العلاج الداعم هو وسيلة العلاج الوحيدة المتوفرة.
ا less
tarek alsanouri
Not A PHEIC for now
Dana Shalabi
Jordan Times publishes Press Release on EMPHNET's new project: "Using Mobile Technology and Enhanced Counselling to Improve Family Planning Among Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Lebanon and Jordan". See the link for more details:
https://www.jor... moreJordan Times publishes Press Release on EMPHNET's new project: "Using Mobile Technology and Enhanced Counselling to Improve Family Planning Among Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Lebanon and Jordan". See the link for more details: less
Dana Shalabi
Congratulations to FETP Afghanistan on the achievement
لا تستجيب الأمراض الفيروسية (كالأنفلونزا والزكام) للمضادات الحيوية. المضادات الحيوية فعّالة فقط في علاج الأمراض التي تسببها البكتيريا.
Antibi... moreلا تستجيب الأمراض الفيروسية (كالأنفلونزا والزكام) للمضادات الحيوية. المضادات الحيوية فعّالة فقط في علاج الأمراض التي تسببها البكتيريا.
Antibiotics can only treat infections caused by bacteria; viral infections like cold and flu do not respond to treatment with antibiotics
#WorldAntibioticAwarenessWeek2019 #antimicrobialresistance less
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